Friday, 28 September 2012


Madhubala Full Episode 28 Sep 2012


September 28 - Written Update - madhubala Ek ishq ek junoon

Dips self thot. .that Madhu should leave from this condition n marriage but Madhu refuses! Dancing[Dips goes Shocked]! Madhu says.. whatever happened between RK-Dips is past.. today its between Rishbala.. its HAMARA (RK n Madhus).. n she will handle the aaj in her own way n return the money from her side!

Paddy comes to meet Madhu! Radha greets her! Madhu delighted seeing her! Paddy informs about Shammos recovery and is about to tell RK about his help in it! Embarrassed But RK interrupts! AngryD'ohHe starts saying Madhu is fine n she cant expect anything more from him!

Paddo thanks RK..! RK tells her that its RKs house n asks her to leave! Angry Paddo invites Radha and all for Ganesh Utsav.. RK fumes! Ouch Radha tells RK that Paddo is elder to him and RK says he is respecting her enouf! Paddo taunts RK and RK tells Madhu that 'Like Mother Like Daughter' in taunting! LOL

RK tells no one will participate in Ganesh fest!Shocked He tells her that he has no relation with God but if she wants to worship him . .he will appear! LOL [Kameena LOL]

Madhu comes and stands infront of RK in the room and asks why he did it? Angry He asks her to get away but Madhu tells her that Paddo wanted to thank only! RK asks for popcorn LOL n Madhu says so he was only acting good ! RK says all this is done by stars as charity! Madhu says RK insulted Lord Ganesh and RK starts to taunt and do drama saying sorry Shocked! Madhu is disgusted and furious! RK asks Madhu where was Bappa when she needed Rs. 40 lacs to save her father .. or having to forcibly marry RK? Ouch He taunts.. if not anything he could have gotten 7 pheras done! Madhu walks off!

Dips comes with popcorns! AngryShe says. Madhu is STUPID! RK asks her to stay off!Clap Madhu apologises to Lord Ganesh murti (Calling it Babaji) and says..she thinks RK is hiding some pain!

Part 2

Radha comes to Madhu and says that it difficult to understand RK .. but she is glad she is not alone! She gives her a photo album of RK-his dad-Ganesh fest! Madhu is shocked! Shocked Radha tells the story of RK being great ganesh-bhakt! She says losing his father has made RK become a non-believer!

Part 3

Madhu understands that RK blamed Bappa for all the mess in his life!Radha tells Madhu that whatever happened is RKs hurt and anger on his God!

She rues that Bappa wont come there but Madhu swears that Bappa will come and RK will also come to her as her son!

Precap --Madhu is bringing Bappa in RK mansion and all are dancing! RK comes and asks them to stop! RK tells Madhu that where RK stays Bappa cant stay..