Wednesday, 3 October 2012

October 2nd - Written Update Madhubala EK Ishq Ek Junoon

Part 1

Madhu is tying Mouli in the hands of Radha and looks at the remainin Mouli of RKs! Radha asks if she thinks RK will tie it.. and Madhu says..she will make him tie! Cool Bittu is talking to the Police Commsnr. about the latest threat of Rs. 25 Cr to be given by tomorw or!

Madhu comes and asks Bittu to tie and he freezes and Madhu says.. RK is not above God so
to tie.. Bittu keeps glancing at RK! LOL Madhu asks RK but he says he doesnt believe in all this and asks her to give a reason to believe in God!Wink Madhu says.. if she gives? RK says.. she is fighting losing battle! Madhu tells RK ..that he has two options.. tie the Mouli or tie the Mouli! RK recollects the medicine thingy! LOL Madhu asks him to tell the option n takes off!

Dips is in her room and Sikky comes and tries to kiss her hand but Dips looks away! Sikky says..RK got a PATAKA biwi.. serves him right! LOL

Radha calls Dips to the kitchen to help for making Modak! Radha tells Madhu about childhood stories of RK making and stealing Modak and same way Madhu talks of her sis and Roma! Smile Dips is feeling awkward! LOL She says that Madhu is accustomed in her Chawl but .. n Radha says.. she too din have a habit but enjoying! Dips is at sea making it and Radha asks Madhu to teach her and she does!

Radha excuses herself to take a call..! Dips is fuming that Madhu is challenging her position. .now she will fix her! AngryShocked She resolves to throw Madhu out of the kitchen n give shock to Mrs. Madhubala kundra!Sikky stealing Ganesh bhagwans money and Kuku stops him! Kuku says.. he should focus on idea to get out of the trouble of lenders!

Madhu goes out of the kitchen and Dips mixes garam masala in the modak! Shocked

Part 2

Dips says Madhu know now what she knows n what not..! Sikky comes and happy seeng the Modak ..! He wants to eat ..but Dips stops him!

Part 3

Dips carrying Modak and all guests praise her..! Madhu comes and Radha introes her to all as Rishabhs wife.. n Madhu takes all blessngs..! Dips smrks

Precap -- RK comes and sits bef Bappa and offers Kabab and Madhu / Radha are apalled .. He walks twoards Gods dol and Madhu holds his hand!

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