Wednesday, 3 October 2012

October 3 WRitten Update - Madhubala Ek Ishq EK Junoon

Part 1

Bhog time n all think both Dips and Madhu have made it but Dips corrects saying only Madhu has made..! Radha asks Dips to distribute as well but she says only one plate n Madhu says.. nope.. 2 plates WinkTongueLOL

Madhu gives both plates to Pandit ji and its Arati time..! Dips keeps wondering which one has garam masala wala Modak LOL

RK is boxing as Aarati goes on! He fumes hearing the noise and Dips keeps wondering which plate of modak has masala LOL! She goes to check n Sikky stops her! Dips identifies the rite plate! Angry Madhu keeps waiting for RK Embarrassed! The waiter comes and mixes the plates again LOL! RK recollects his childhood n fumes! He sees the Mouli.. Madhu touches her Mouli and feels RK ... she prays! Dips takes the wrong plate to serve LOL! Dips claims credit for some of the modak and serves and all start coufing LOL! Dips is taken aback..! ConfusedWinkLOL Madhu realises something and others ask the lady to take from Madhus plate! Clap All praise Madhu! Radha calms Dips!

Paddo calls and says that Shammo is much better thanks to RK ..! Embarrassed Madhu delighted..! Paddo asks Madhu to come and meet Maleek! Dips keeps wondering how plates changed! LOL Sikky praises Madhus modak LOL! Dips resolves that there will be a lot more to the game.. n its only a start!

Madhu offers RK modak..! RK tells her he does not believe in it.. n Madhu says.. take it as a good news celebrn.. as Shammo is better..! RK says.. he knows all..! Madhu says she came to say just thanks..from the HEART! Embarrassed RK taunts that credit to Bappa to make Madhu bow down before him and Madhu says .. yes.. coz he made RK get the idea of foreign equipments ..! She asks him to join for dinner if he has courage to face Bappa! TongueLOL

Part 2

Radha asks Dips to sit on the floor n she is Confused n Radha is serving food..! Madhu keeps waiting for RK Embarrassed n Dips says.. he wont come and right then he does! Clap Madhu smiles but RK asks for his parcel! LOL

Part 3

RK taunts saying he cant make so much sacrifices for the Lord! Madhu is ShockedAngryOuch!

Precap -- RK offers kebab to Lord and as he walks towards him, Madhu holds his arm and stops him!

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