today wu 28/02/2013

Part 1 :
RK asked director wheter it is necssary to do all this.
Diresctor instructs heroine for the take.
They are rehearsing while MB is adjusting her hair,
Intezaaring for CHAND, i guess its Karwachauth scene
Shraddha is doing pooja…via the channi…RK yells cut.
Says, i know i am better than moon, but look at moon first, taked tha
channi form her n startds instructing her, and in guise is watching
Madhu via it.
Fbs of their nakli KC scene…
radha n bittuji talking, bittuji has written teh script sipossedly, so he is putting scenes that might make them rem something.
B is worried that from tom outdoor shooting so how to manao MB to join them
Radha says that they have Bappa too on their side, so no worries
Dirsctor calls cut n RK invites all ppl for party, emphasinging that EVRYONE has to come
MB is going, when RK stops her saying that EVRYONE includes u too. he
taints that is she worried or did mommy call her home early.
Again taunts her that she is scared, and sas that he will send food n
sharab to her house, and to tell him which brand she orefers.
MB gives her bag to some spot dada…indicating that she is not going.
Sikki n Dipz enter, Sikki spots free ki daru
Dipz to herself, i will take revenge for waht u did today. the insult u did in front of RK
Calls waiter n mixes drink(so its DIPZ n NOT RK who mixed drinks)
She mixes something in coke bottle, and gives it to someone who is talking with Madhu who comes to get a drink.
(packed Bottle when she just mixed it?)
Madhu drinks it n them Dipz says “cheers madhu, get ready to become a JOKE”
RK comes n B askes to start misic. He sattrs drining, looks at MB n raises glass, MB ignores n turns away
Madhu feels uneasy but says sealed bottle, so no issues.
Sikki n Dipz dancing.
RK drinking continously,
Dipz comes to him n says control, but RK tells her to control, otherwise she wud be the one who wud be humilated.
She laughs n tpuches him., and says, why do u speak to me so? Mb watches n avoids, RK notices n removes her hand.
Screams for B2ji, says, this is whiskey, it has nasha, from so many days it was not affecting.
B2ji to himslef, this is not alcohol nasha but ISQ nasha
Madhus friends go for dinner, but she says she isnt hungry
Dipz pulls RK for a dabce, MB doesnt like it
RK remebres light incidence, (her saving him from light) while staring at MB
MB feeling dizzy , she remebers the night of the studio,
Dipk is going between RK n sikki
Mb feels dizzy, RK smirks looking at her, she has tears in her eys, he
grabs another bottle, and goes to her, but she is misisng. He calss for
her and sats, “madhu Mr india bani”
He saerches for her eveywhere, but cant find her. Madhu madhu chilaaing.
he calls her, she doesnt pick up phone, he laughs(he is full tight) ke
mb sacchi Mr India ban gayi hai, Smiles cutely at his own joke.
Finds her in room, she is washing face with spray, tells her i called u but u didnt pick up. she replies didnt coz it was u
she falls on him, he tells her to take care.
bith stare into each others eyes, he smells her breath n asks, did u drink. she says no.
he says no, i can se it in ur eyes that u r drunk. Lol. At least half bottle u have drunk.
Rk shouts at her cutely, how can u drink, ar e u mad, first time me u drank so much!
MB stops him n shows finger and asks, “who are u? and do u know how much i can drink. “Who are u to shout at me like that,?”
RK says “we will go far away. i want to talk to u. i am in pain, i am dying from inside.” Madhu looks at him tearfully
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