Part 1
Madhu splashes water on the sleazeball ... n says..hoping that his hotness has cooled off..! The guy starts to abuse Madhu verbally n says.. Disposable woman.. USE & THROW!
Madhu replays the words in her mind ..while standing near a rock..! The guy comes n puts his hand on her shoulder! He is drunk n closes in on Madhu..! Madhu resists..! The guy tells her .. she wont get RK.. so better settle with him ..n as such previous night she was drinking with her hubby so why doing drama now! RK comes n punches the guy! He beats him with flying kicks.. n then strangles him with his shoe... n Bittu stops!
RK says.. how dare he! Dips watches the drama..! RK tries to comfort Madhu but stops.. ! She sees his hand bleeding n quietly walks ahead n he follows! She cries thinking of whatever happened!
Bittu comes n Madhu thinks its RK She opens upto Bittu about the guy telling her about being drunk etc..! She rues about what RK mite be thinking of her n Bittu says.. RK doesnt remember either! Bittu offers water to Madhu n says..sent by RK n she drinks! RK watches..! Rishbala Eyelock!
Madhu gives oinment for RK to Bittu n Bittu asks..whats between Rishbala?
Next day.. someone collides with Madhu n her bag falls n RK tries to help but stops..! Eyelock! [VD looking exceptionally HOT ]
Bittu asks RK ..that Radha is asking why he came today? RK says..coz of shooting .. n that he is shooting rightaway..! Bittu asks Madhu about her plans n she heads off to Dips direction..! Dips taunts her by asking if she told all about that USE & THROW thing? Madhu says..her hair is set.. ACTION! RK shoots an action sequence n lifts Dips.. n Madhu watches n then looks away n leaves the shot!
RK is shooting n Dips jumps n he is lost in drooling on Madhu..! Dips falls on the haystack..! Bittu briefs Radha all the details n they are happy-wappy! Radha says..they pray that all the animosity ends n theres only love!
Part 2
Dips asks Madhu why she is keeping so quiet? She says...that they are on outdoor shoot..why so quiet? Madhu says.. she is fine! Dips talks of the drunken night..with RK ... ! She asks if ANYTHING HAPPENED with that sleazeball ...??
Dips says..all seemed like a perfect filmy plan to get RK to save her by paying off that sleazy guy... Dukh-Bala..!
She asks if anything happened with RK the drunken night?? Madhu pulls Dips hair..!
Part 3
Madhu asks Dips to keep quiet but Dips says.. it takes skills to make every man to dance on her tunes! Madhu throws water on Dips face.. Dips dare u .. n Madhu says. Dipali Gutter Queen Sikandar Bhatia.. better to be chawl bala at least she is clean..! Dips threatens to fire her but Madhu quits.. n walks off!
Precap ---- Madhu is running in the jungle holding a kid.. and there are shots being fired! A barechested guy .jumps out of the water.. n then points gun at Madhu ..! Its sultan!
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