Thursday, 6 September 2012

Sept 6 - Written Update - Madhubala Ek Ishq Ek Junoon

Part 1

RK taunts Roma and Roma shouts on her n RK shushhhs her LOL n says.. not more than 2 person can come in the ward n asks her to leave! Shammo asks how Madhu is n she says fine n RK sings .. 'Kabhi khushi kabhi ghum' Wink

Shammo grimaces seeing RK ..! Madhu asks Maleek to rest n RK taunts her n says.. that it seems like employee - employer relation! Tongue Shammo asks Madhu not to worry

RK asks how Shammo is.. n then tells him that.. he has paid for all the expenses for Shammos care! Madhu begs him to stop! Shocked Shammo asks Madhu the truth and RK says... Madhus dialogues over.. mine start! 

He tells Shammo that RK has saved him n he was expensive so Shammo has paid heavy price.. n that banks ask for guarantee so he did too..! He reads out the contract... Ouch which states Madhu is guarantee for Shammos care till he can repay the whole expense n asks him to sign! Madhu says she is ready to sign .. n begs RK to have mercy! RK says its between two men so women back off..! RK brings stamp pad n forcibly takes the thumb finger impression! 

RK thanks Shammo n leaves ..! Madhu asks Shammo to relax! RK says important thing is pending.. taking elder blessing n Madhu begs him not to tell Shammo! He says.. RK is cruel but not indecent ...! He tells Madhu is his wife.. he has married her! He flaunts that he has made Shammos illegitimate daughter his legitimate wife! Shammo asks the truth..! RK asks him to get to work to repay n walks off! Madhu too walks off! RK asks Madhu to sit in the car but Madhu walks on the road in the rains!

RK asks Madhu not to punish herself as its his right .. n asks her to sit in the car! 

Part 2

RK tires to pull Madhu by holding her arm..s he frees twice.. but third time she asks him to leave but he refuses n asks her to sit in the car.. 

She says no .. n says.. cant breathe the same air as u .. so not gonna sit.. n HATE U RK! She says.. not anymore.. n RK says sayonara n drives off! He tells her to come home the way she wants but to come safe as ..'Picture abhi baki hai mere dushman' 

Part 3

Madhu breaksdown recollecting RKs behaviour with Shammo n screams out! 

Precap -- RK tells Madhu that he has never gotten so much Seva..that she is getting...! He offers her medicine n says.. to make her present beautiful ..! Madhu refuses..! RK says.. she has two options ... 'Chup Chap se Pee lo' ... yah .. 'Chup Chap se Pee lo'

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